Finally I am done with the reorganization of my shack. Late last year, I re-did all of the cables, reorganized them and made easier to navigate through the wires on the back. I have connected the
Heathkit SB-200 in-line with my dipole antenna and I am almost done! The ACOM 1000 is connected to the vertical. The only things left to install are another LP-100A for more accurate measuring of the output power and an external antenna tuner (most probably
Palstar) for my dipole antenna.
Now that I am almost done with the shack, I can focus on my other hobby - flying on Flight Simulator. So far I have 3 Dual-
Xeon Pentium 4 machines to serve as render-engines. My plans are for 4 machines and total of 5 or 6 monitors - so much work needs to be done!

This shack perfectly fits my needs for now! It is a result of a couple of years in research for the best equipment/configuration and collecting it. I am really happy with the way it came out. The layout was changed a few times over the years until I got to this final version. This is an old picture of the shack - i'll try to post an updated one soon.
Отдавна видях този пост.....
Хубав ham-shack, спор няма!
Желая ти много приятни мигове и много DX!
73! Victor / LZ1NY
Благодаря! Това е сравнително стара снимка! Сегашния вариант е малко променен заради допълнителна апаратура, която трябваше да интегрирам. Ако ми остане време що сложа по-нова снимка! Иначе ми върши чудесна работа и почти нищо не ми липсва (освен слънчева активност), но и тя ще се оправи! Със здраве!
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