Today, 13 years after this post, FCC issued my son's first callsign - KC1TVB. Congratulations to Vichren for passing the exam and joining the lines of the Amateur Radio Operators!
Update: Vichren applied for and got a vanity callsign - N1VAS. His very first DX on HF was a KH6 station in Hawaii on 10 meters using only 10W from an Elecraft KX3 into a portable Buddipole dipole, slicing thru a pileup with a 5/9 on his first call!
Inside the W1VCM Club Station at the Vintage Radio and Communications Museum, Windsor, Connecticut.
Vichren, N1VAS discussing radios and repeater operations with Bob Allison, WB1GCM who was the Chief ARRL Test Engineer.
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