The exciter is the second main component of an XRF setup - this is the source of the primary X-Rays.
Two type of Exciters are generally used - X-Ray tube or Radioactive Isotope.
X-Ray tubes
- provide high-intensity beam
- low limit of element detection
- easy on/off capabilities
- fast integration times
- fairly clean and uniform spectrum
- very small spot of irradiation / sampling
- big, heavy, very delicate
- require additional cooling
- large, hazardous HV power supplies
- need for safety interlock system
- heavy beam collimators
- substantial shielding is required
- consideration must be made about beam scattering and reflection
- Not as portable
Radioactive Isotope source
- smaller, lighter and simple to use
- 100% reliable
- very portable for field use
- low intensity beam requires long acquisition times
- shielding is required as well a shutter-type on/off system
- highly regulated
- danger of contamination if source is damaged
- spectrum is not as clean and can contain various peaks
The holder of the exciter was designed with TinkerCAD and 3D printed
Very nice! Are the sources in your exciter Am241 from smoke alarms?